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You deserve to do work that feeds your heart, mind, and wallet.

Video: Social Workers…Speak Life Over Your Career

By Nicki Sanders | Jul 17, 2024 | 0 Comments

  Let’s stop glorifying poverty!! Financial struggle doesn’t make you a better social worker. Your Words Have Power! Repeat after me, “I deserve to be paid well for my social work education, experience, and expertise.” Social work skills are highly transferable, high-income skills. You can be paid well to do work that you love with […]

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My Words Have Power: Social Work Career Edition

By Nicki Sanders | Jul 10, 2024 | 0 Comments

  Wednesday Wisdom: Social work skills are highly transferable, high-income skills…but I haven’t always prioritized salary and benefits in my career. Money was never enough reason for me to accept a position, enjoying my work was the priority. My years of letting love of my work replace financial gain wasn’t enough either because there was […]

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It’s Time To Stay WOKE!

By Nicki Sanders | Jul 3, 2024 | 0 Comments

  Well, the two old, rich, white men agreed to a presidential debate last week. I did not watch! There was nothing either of the two of them could say or do that would change my vote if these were our top two candidates. Just like in 2020, I didn’t need an old, rich, white […]

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Honoring the Life of Mrs. Clemons

By Nicki Sanders | Jun 26, 2024 | 0 Comments

  Today was a hard, weird, sad, inspiring day. Today I attended the funeral of my Pre-Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Esther Harris Clemons. I realize how unique and special it is to have remained on contact with her after all these years given that we live in the Baltimore/Washington region not a small town. I also […]

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5 Ways to Commemorate Professional Wellness Month

By Nicki Sanders | Jun 12, 2024 | 0 Comments

  Even though I LOVED my work, my staff, and our program participants… Here are 3 times I knew it was beyond my time to leave a job that had become toxic for me: (1) I started showing up late to my own meeting that I scheduled and planned to lead (2) I woke up […]

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Are You The Strong Social Worker?

By Nicki Sanders | Jun 5, 2024 | 0 Comments

  After the stress and strife of the pandemic, we’ve been advised to “check on our strong friends”. The strong friend who is the “go to” person. The one who carries other people’s baggage. The compassionate one who gives of themself to ensure everyone else is taken care of – often neglecting their own needs. […]

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Playlist: May 2024 Mental Health and Women’s Health and Walking

By Nicki Sanders | May 29, 2024 | 0 Comments

  In May we are prioritizing our health – mental health and women’s health. Walking during National Walking Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, and Women’s History Month checks all the boxes. YouTube Playlist: May 2024 Mental Health and Women’s Health and Walking  I Am Still My Priority In May Poverty Is Bad For Your Mental […]

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POWER HOUR: Where Do You Have Your Best Ideas?

By Nicki Sanders | May 22, 2024 | 0 Comments

  I have great ideas in the shower, but my best ideas come to me when I first awake in the morning. What about you? From a professional standpoint, I am an idea generator and a problem-solver. I embrace creativity and I’ve trained myself to see possibilities. One of my professional gifts is to help […]

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