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You deserve to do work that feeds your heart, mind, and wallet.
Simply because you are alive I know that someone has hurt you, left you, disappointed you, crossed you, or angered you. After all, we’re only human. Some things may have been accidental and other times bitter and intentional. What happens after the pain is up to you. Are you able to easily let go and […]
Read MoreWhen was the last time you had a big, hearty laugh? It’s time for another one. Finding joy and amusement in life – humor and laughter – can produce a sense of happiness and freedom. Humor and laughter are key ingredients in overall health. Laughter can improve your emotional and physical well- being. Laughter helps […]
Read MoreWhat do you do to break out of a monotonous routine? How do you rejuvenate and re-energize? What do you do to get your creative juices flowing? Use this checklist to see if you have become a workaholic or caregiver overdue for relaxation or excitement. In the last 60 days have you: Had a vacation […]
Read MoreAll living things are continually growing. To be truly alive you must keep growing personally, professionally, and socially. If you cease to grow in your thinking, career, or relationships you have begun the decomposition process. Life doesn’t stand still – it is not stagnant. You are either moving forward or moving backwards. With that […]
Read MoreConfidence = full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing; assurance Self-Confidence = belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities It is difficult to achieve any level of success if you lack confidence. How you view yourself directly affects how other people view you. A confident person […]
Read MoreWhat are you in expectation of? Are you expecting to have a good day? Are you expecting a particular situation to work out in your favor? Are you expecting new doors of opportunity to be opened to you? Have you ever been surprised that you won a contest or landed a job or scored a […]
Read MoreSome people are daring or impulsive. Others are more practical or conscientious. I am rarely in the daring space and there have been times when I have spent a little too much time in the practical space. Finding a balance between these pair of character traits often leads straight down the path to personal fulfillment […]
Read More“Too many people spend too much time trying to perfect something before they actually do it. Instead of waiting for perfection, run with what you go, and fix it along the way…” – Paul Arden I am a recovering perfectionist and procrastinator. Take Action Revise Later is a strategy that has taken me years […]
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