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9 things productive people do before noon Christine Kopaczewski, Business Insider We can’t all be morning people, but according to a recent study , you might extend your time on Earth if you could just wake up a few hours earlier each day. Researchers studied over 430,000 people, aged 38 to 73, […]
Read MoreWork-life balance: Tips to reclaim control By Mayo Clinic Staff When your work life and personal life are out of balance, your stress level is likely to soar. Use these practical strategies to restore harmony. There was a time when the boundaries between work and home were fairly clear. Today, however, work […]
Read More5 of the Best Work-Life Balance Tips for Managers By Charles Bernard As a CEO and manager, my top priority is helping my employees stay motivated by maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I want a work environment that minimizes stress and promotes good energy. However, I must lead by example! That means practicing […]
Read MoreDistracted? Work Harder! By Chris Bailey Trouble focusing could just mean that your work isn’t complex enough, and that there isn’t enough of it. Mr. Bailey is a productivity consultant. When it comes to focusing at work, there is no shortage of scapegoats to blame for our wandering minds. Social media, the ever-churning news […]
Read MoreManagers, Take These Steps To Prevent Your Employees From Burning Out By Amanda Zantal-Wiener—Hubspot5 Many employees are afraid to speak up until they burn out. As a manager, you can recognize the signs and prevent it from happening. Doesn’t it seem like we don’t go a day without hearing about employee burnout–mostly […]
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