College Presentations by Nicki Sanders, The Packaged For Success Coach



Bring Nicki Sanders, The Packaged For Success Coach, to Your College Campus

Bring Nicki Sanders to your campus to support student retention, graduation, and alumni engagement efforts. My presentations can be customized to suit your individual needs. They are designed to complement University Career Service Departments, College Advisors and Guidance Counselors, College Alumni Offices and Associations and Human Services Departments.


Get In, Get Out, Get Ahead Keynote
This keynote initiates a frank discussion about what is really takes to get involved on campus and make connections to make a difference, get out of college with the skills and experience employers value, and get ahead in your chosen career field. This conversation is best offered to the entire student body. Students will achieve the following learning outcomes:
• Understanding the importance of a strong professional network
• Ability to define success for themselves
• Knowledge of how to develop a strong academic and career development plan
• Awareness of how to make themselves more employable
• Knowledge of how to use social media as a branding tool
• Understanding of what it means to be a life-long learner


Get To Graduation Workshop
The path to a college degree is rarely linear. Earning a degree is only part of the successful higher education equation. A well-adjusted student has a plan B, C and D, understands the importance of strong connections, practical experience, and marketable skills, and has learned to leverage campus and career opportunities. This workshop will help both graduate and undergraduate students maintain motivation and make the most of their college years.  After completing the Get to Graduation Workshop, students will be able to:
1. Select courses that match their academic goals
2. Apply classroom knowledge in the real world
3. Identify and utilize beneficial campus resources
4. Create a professional network
5. Develop a career plan that complements their field of study



Get Hired Workshop
During this interactive workshop we will explore the strategies in Get Hired Toolbox: 30Ways to Land the Job of Your Dreams to help you develop an individual job search plan. Implementing your job new search plan with fidelity will result in greater clarity, less apprehension, and more interviews.  After taking this course, students will be able to:
1. Define hard skills and soft skills
2. List transferable skills
3. Describe career interests
4. Customize resume and cover letter
5. Develop an individual job search plan



Generation Y Workshop Series:
1. Generation Why – Character traits from your generation include confidence, optimism, and an eagerness to learn and contribute. Join other millennials in this workshop to answer three very important questions that will accompany you into your place as a world changer.
2. Work Your Network –Networking effectively is one of the most powerful tools you can use to advance personally and professionally. Improve your skills to successfully navigate academic endeavors, office politics, and other important relationships.
3. Avoid The Boomerang –You’ve landed your dream job and now it’s time to keep moving forward. These strategies will help climb the career ladder and make a lasting impact in your organization.


“Nicki has challenged me to really identify what I want to do or try to do in my career and set specific learning goals for myself along with activities that help me learn.” – Ebony Nicholson, MSW Student

“Nicki was a terrific leader and facilitator for our teen group. After seeing her work at our peer group, we are not only looking forward to bringing her back for one of these events; but also hire her to provide an ongoing training session for our mentors.” -Nicole Harrison, Program Director, BEST Kids Mentoring Program

Book Nicki Sanders



Nicki Sanders, The Packaged For Success Coach, is an experienced trainer, group facilitator, and program manager. She has packaged her Masters of Social Work degree and over 15 years of work experience into Packaged For Success, a training and professional development company. Packaged For Success provides career coaching to college students, entry-level job hunters, and experienced employees seeking a promotion. Packaged For Success also offers communication and productivity improvement training for employees and supervisors and provides consultation on building sustainable, impactful, socially responsible community programs.

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