Professional Development

Welcome to October 2024

  Goodbye September, Hello October! October Is: Emotional Wellness Month National Self-Promotion Month Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month Welcome to Q4! Are you ready for a strong 2024 finish? Transformation Tip Tuesday with Nicki Sanders, 10/1/24 Transformation Tip: Revisit Your Vision It’s not too late: If you can’t stop thinking about it, it’s time to recommit […]

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Self-Care Includes Taking Trips

  September is Self-Care Awareness Month If you don’t want to, you don’t have to! You don’t have to: Follow someone else’s career path Say yes to every request for your assistance Participate on every committee or board Commit to overworking Monetize every hobby or interest Post every achievement, celebration, or challenge in the name of

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Where Has The Time Gone?

  I’m Nicki Sanders, a master’s level social worker and nonprofit leader who specializes in career development, professional development, and organizational development. There’s also a bit of personal development thrown into the mix. I have many amazing things happening right now (I live in answered prayers) which has resulted in a bit more self-reflection and

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Available Career Empowerment Packages

  STRATEGIC CAREER MANAGEMENT is the lifelong process of investing resources into your career to maintain or increase your value in the workplace, undertake work that is personally satisfying, strive for work/life balance, and achieve financial security. The three pillars in my Strategic Career Management framework are Clarity, Credibility, and Congruency. “You are a brand, and

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Professional Development with Nicki Sanders, MSW

  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT with Nicki Sanders, MSW I am excited to support career development/coaching clients who are growth-minded leaders ready to elevate their careers with intention and boldness. My ideal organizational development clients are committed to social impact, leadership development, and employee engagement – nonprofits, higher education institutions, and corporations. I especially love developing internship

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Playlist: May 2024 Mental Health and Women’s Health and Walking

  In May we are prioritizing our health – mental health and women’s health. Walking during National Walking Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, and Women’s History Month checks all the boxes. YouTube Playlist: May 2024 Mental Health and Women’s Health and Walking  I Am Still My Priority In May Poverty Is Bad For Your Mental

Playlist: May 2024 Mental Health and Women’s Health and Walking Read More »

POWER HOUR: What’s The Dilemma?

  I’m Nicki, a Fractional Chief Program Officer & Leadership Consultant building healthy workplaces with strong teams and powerful programs and a Social Work Career Empowerment Coach dismantling the outdated, narrow view of social work. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? • Want someone to bounce ideas off? • Want a nonjudgmental listening ear? • Want to

POWER HOUR: What’s The Dilemma? Read More »

Are Big Things Poppin’ For You in May 2024?

  Hey Social Workers! Welcome to May 2024! We’ve completed one-third of quarter 2. What’s on the horizon for you? Want to know what’s going on in my world? Yesterday I received a super surprising but full download on how to solve multiple problems for financially strapped, first-generation, and former system-involved college students. It started

Are Big Things Poppin’ For You in May 2024? Read More »