Conversations with Nicki Sanders

Are Big Things Poppin’ For You in May 2024?

  Hey Social Workers! Welcome to May 2024! We’ve completed one-third of quarter 2. What’s on the horizon for you? Want to know what’s going on in my world? Yesterday I received a super surprising but full download on how to solve multiple problems for financially strapped, first-generation, and former system-involved college students. It started

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More Than Social Work with Nicki Sanders Now on YouTube

  I’ve been avoiding and procrastinating about starting a YouTube channel for several years. At least 5 years and that’s not an exaggeration. During my end-of-year reflection, I asked myself what I would be doing if I took my own advice, and the answer was creating a YouTube channel to share my ideas, experiences, and

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The Social Work Rants Podcast Interview with Nicki Sanders

  Motivation Monday Resource: The Social Work Rants Podcast Interview with Nicki Sanders I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Bas Morena for The Social Work Rants Podcast. In addition to discussing programs that I helped create in my social work career, we also discussed Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting services, my intention for how

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I’m Making Room for New Opportunities

  I am committed to efficiency and effectiveness. Since time is not a renewal resource, over the last couple of months I dedicated precious time to evaluate and streamline my business processes and procedures. For those of you on my email list you’ve experienced my new format that allows me to give more to my

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Interview: Choosing Yourself at The Stage of Life

  So excited to kick off National Social Work Month and Women’s History Month with a Mind and Manna YouTube Channel interview with Sunya Folayan on Wednesday, March 1, 2022, at 10:00am CST/11:00am EST. Sunya is a social entrepreneur and the epitome of defining social work career success on your own terms. She is a commissioned teaching artist

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My 2022 Career Elevation Continues

  Welcome to August 2022! Happy New Month! Yesterday (7/31/22), I delivered the final episode of my Cupcakes and Conversations with Nicki Sanders monthly feature. The date and time had not worked for me for months and I knew that part of the reason was that I was being prodded to make changed but I

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How Will Conversations with Nicki Sanders Elevate in 2022?

  It’s been a while since I’ve conducted an interview with an amazing woman in leadership for Conversations with Nicki Sanders but it is still on my mind regularly. I still haven’t decided exactly what’s next in the elevation process, but in the meantime, you can stay connected with me on the Nicki Sanders Leadership

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Conversations with Nicki Sanders 2022 Reintroduction

  Welcome to the return of and the first Conversations with Nicki Sanders for 2022!  Past ‘Conversations with Nicki Sanders’ leadership interviews highlighted the success strategies, advice, and career journeys of authentic women leaders in a variety of industries. The initial goals of Conversations with Nicki Sanders were to: a) Showcase women in leadership (at

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