5 Things I Would Go Back And Tell Myself As A College Junior


If I had a time machine I would go back to my junior year in undergrad and have a serious conversation with myself that would go a bit like this:

1. Get more experience before graduation
Since you’re not working in the social work field you should do more volunteering. Choose a place where you can apply your classroom knowledge and gain more hands-on experience.

2. Link your assignments together
Since you did not pursue a major you can design your own “specialization” by studying one topic area in depth. Research and developing projects and papers around one topic for different classes sets you on the path to becoming an expert. (This will also help you find out if this is something you want to pursue long term.

3. Don’t get distracted
You’ve been at this for a while now and your motivation is fading. Stay on task by reaching out to your support system and utilizing campus resource. Oh yeah, as your dreams move closer to reality things will get a bit scary. Fear is another distraction. Keep your eyes on the prize.

4. Don’t limit yourself
Nonprofits are the only place for social workers. Explore career options by talking with your professors and advisors and conducting informational interviews with different agencies.

5. Look for the light at the end of the tunnel
Choosing the right senior courses is important. Maintaining your grades is important. Begin to research placements for your senior internship now. The end is closer than you think. Don’t just focus on graduation day, you have to plan for your next step.


Get To Graduation – The path to a college degree is rarely linear. Earning a degree is only part of the successful higher education equation. A  well-adjusted student has a plan B, C and D, understands the importance of strong connections, practical experience, and marketable skills, and has learned to leverage campus and career opportunities. This workshop will help both graduate and undergraduate students maintain motivation and make the most of their college years.

Get To Graduation Workshop




Nicki Sanders, Chief Visionary Officer of Packaged For Success, helps both youth and adults discover their personal power, dream big, and achieve success on their own terms. Ms. Sanders is an experienced trainer, group facilitator, and program manager who holds a Master’s degree in Social Work. Ms. Sanders has over fifteen years of direct experience with diverse populations in residential, school-based, and community based agencies.

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