Are College Students Prepared For The Real World?


I am a strong proponent of education. I believe that education begins at home and that the world is our classroom. When asked if a college education is “worth it” I say yes it is. I believe that college is still a valuable investment that that requires systemic improvement.


Should parents or professors teach about HMOs and IRAs and credit scores?

Who is at fault if college students aren’t prepared for the ‘real world’ after graduation?


Check out the Buzz Feed video and share your thoughts.



Get To Graduation Workshop
The path to a college degree is rarely linear. Earning a degree is only part of the successful higher education equation. A well-adjusted student has a plan B, C and D, understands the importance of strong connections, practical experience, and marketable skills, and has learned to leverage campus and career opportunities. This workshop will help both graduate and undergraduate students maintain motivation and make the most of their college years.

After completing the Get to Graduation Workshop, students will be able to:
1. Select courses that match their academic goals
2. Apply classroom knowledge in the real world
3. Identify and utilize beneficial campus resources
4. Create a professional network
5. Develop a career plan that complements their field of study


Nicki Sanders is an experienced trainer, group facilitator, and program manager. She has packaged her Masters of Social Work degree and over 15 years of work experience into Packaged For Success, a training and professional development company. Packaged For Success provides career coaching to college students, entry-level job hunters, and experienced employees seeking a promotion. Packaged For Success also offers communication and productivity improvement training for employees and supervisors and provides consultation on building sustainable, impactful, socially responsible community programs.

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