Develop a Plan for Your Internship Program



Plana scheme or method of acting, doing, proceeding, making, etc., developed in advance

An internship program is much more than finding a person who needs work and bringing them into your business to work for free or for a low fee.  In fact, that is a recipe for pure disaster.

An internship is a structured work experience related to a novice’s academic major and/or career goal. Business Dictionary Online defines a program as a plan of action aimed at accomplishing a clear business objective, with details on what work is to be done, by whom, when, and what means or resources will be used. A strong internship program entails all of the above.

An internship program is both a short-term and a long-term business growth strategy.  A well-developed internship program will provide fresh perspectives and extra hands to increase productivity in the short-term and have positive long-term effects on your company such as creating a cadre of brand ambassadors in your community.  An internship program plan provides the structure you need to develop, implement, and evaluate your (program) efforts based on your business objectives. Key components of a quality internship program include clarifying needs, recruitment, hiring, training, assigning tasks, managing, and evaluating.

As an Internship Program Consultant, I show managers how to increase productivity, performance, and ultimately profits with an internship program. I want to help you build your internship program on a solid foundation.

  1. An Internship Program Consultant can help you analyze your business goals, strengths, and needs to determine if an internship program is a viable capacity building option.
  2. An Internship Program Consultant can ensure that you offer a valuable learning experience while limiting disruptions to your business.
  3. An Internship Program Consultant can help you avoid internship program pitfalls.
  4. An Internship Program Consultant can recruit, hire, and train the right intern so you can focus on growing your business.
  5. An Internship Program Consultant can help you develop systems and processes so both your business and your intern succeed.
  6. An Internship Program Consultant can help you resolve your internship program challenges.


“If you fail to plan. You plan to fail.” -Benjamin Franklin


Contact me to learn exactly how an internship program can help your business create a pipeline of qualified candidates, boost staff morale, increase employee engagement, and bolster staff retention.






Nicki Sanders, The Packaged For Success Coach, is an Adjunct Professor with a passion for business and career development. She has an extensive background in developing and managing interns and successful internship programs. She is a skilled manager, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has packaged her Master of Social Work degree and 20 years of work experience into Packaged For Success, a full service training and professional development company.

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