5 Questions for the Department Chair of Your Major


The Department Chair is a visionary leader and spokesperson for the department they manage. In fact, a Department Chair is more than a manager – the chair is the gatekeeper, spokesperson, and developer. The Department Chair is responsible for curriculum and courses, faculty appointment and supervision, department operations, student needs, administration relationships, and connection to the college and mission of the college. You can bet they know a lot about your major. The department chair is responsible for the big picture and small details.


At many universities the Department Chair is also an Academic Advisor. Even if the Department Chair for your major doesn’t provide regular advisement to students, the Chair is the perfect ambassador to provide insight into your major. Here are 5 questions to ask:

  1. What makes this major appealing to students?
  2. Is there an introductory course that students can take before I fully commit to this major?
  3. Are there opportunities for internships, work study, independent research, or study abroad associated with this major?
  4. Will a degree in this major require additional education or are most students able to obtain employment after graduation?
  5. What kinds of jobs do most students who graduate with a degree in this major pursue?


Get To Graduation Workshop – The path to a college degree is rarely linear. Earning a degree is only part of the successful higher education equation. A well-adjusted student has a plan B, C and D, understands the importance of strong connections, practical experience, and marketable skills, and has learned to leverage campus and career opportunities. This workshop will help both graduate and undergraduate students maintain motivation and make the most of their college years.

5 questions for the department chair of your major











Nicki Sanders, Chief Visionary Officer of Packaged For Success, helps both youth and adults discover their personal power, dream big, and achieve success on their own terms. Ms. Sanders is an experienced trainer, group facilitator, and program manager who holds a Master’s degree in Social Work. Ms. Sanders has over fifteen years of direct experience with diverse populations in residential, school-based, and community based agencies.

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