Welcome back to our Get Hired job search blog series. Thank you for staying connected through day 28. I trust you are making progress in your job search.
Question of the Day: What is a mentor?
The dictionary defines a mentor as a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. Many financially and professionally successful people have benefited from the guidance of a mentor.
Job search tip #27: Connect with a mentor
A mentor/mentee relationship can develop as a formal or informal arrangement. Step one in a successful partnership is to determine why you need or want a mentor. The mentee (you) can use a mentor to gain new insight, improve skills, or establish new professional relationships. By sharing their expertise and experience, the mentor is able to strengthen his or her leadership skills.
Rule number one in selecting a mentor is choosing a mentor whose past experiences are similar to your future aspirations. They key to success is a strong relationship. You must start by building the relationship before asking someone to take on the task of becoming your mentor. Look for opportunities to get to know them and make sharing a two-way street.
Consider personalities and characteristic traits in your mentor selection as you will need to be open-minded to make the most of the mentoring experience. Once you have found your mentor, it is important that you implement the advice that your mentor provides. You do not have to blindly follow all of their advice, but there is no need in being connected to a mentor whose advice you don’t trust or appreciate. Do not expect your mentor to solve all your problems or hand you opportunities. A mentor should be willing to share knowledge but also challenge you to see situations from a different perspective. Follow up with your mentor and let them know how you utilized and benefited from their wisdom and remember to express gratitude regularly.
Stay tuned for job search tip #28 tomorrow.
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Related Post: Put Your Network To Work
Nicki Sanders, Chief Visionary Officer of The Teen Toolbox, is a Life Skills Expert who uses her Packaged For Success™ programs to help clients set goals for life and create a road map to reach those goals. Ms. Sanders is an experienced case manager, trainer, and administrator. She offers professional development training for both youth and adults. Ms. Sanders holds a Master’s degree in Social Work and has fifteen years of direct experience with a diverse array of clients in residential, school-based, and community based agencies.
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