Welcome back to our Get Hired job search blog series. Are you ready to tackle day ?
Question of the Day: How do you answer your telephone?
As you continue your job search, keep in mind that a potential employer may call you for a telephone interview.
Job search tip #24: Be prepared for telephone interviews
Telephone interviews are often used as a method to screen out unqualified candidates and invite qualified candidates to a face to face interview. You can plan ahead by ensuring that you have a professional voicemail message, always answer the telephone in a professional manner, and elect not to answer your phone when you are distracted, do not have time to talk, or are in a location with poor reception or a lot of noise.
Treat the telephone interview as you would a face to face interview. Smile and use correct posture as you speak – your words will flow with more enthusiasm and clarity. Do not text or accept incoming calls during your interview. Do not conduct an interview while you are driving. Keep pen and paper near so that you can take notes during the discussion. Remember to illustrate your accomplishments when you answer questions and have 2-3 questions to ask. At the end of the telephone call always thank the employer for their time. A thank you note that reiterates your interest in the position may be sent even if a face to face interview has already been scheduled.
Stay tuned for job search tip #25 tomorrow.
How can I help you with your job search?
My GET HIRED Strategy Session will breathe new life into the job search process for ALL job seekers. Take advantage of our summer sale NOW.
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Nicki Sanders, Chief Visionary Officer of The Teen Toolbox, is a Life Skills Expert who uses her Packaged For Success™ programs to help clients set goals for life and create a road map to reach those goals. Ms. Sanders is an experienced case manager, trainer, and administrator. She offers professional development training for both youth and adults. Ms. Sanders holds a Master’s degree in Social Work and has fifteen years of direct experience with a diverse array of clients in residential, school-based, and community based agencies.
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