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You deserve to do work that feeds your heart, mind, and wallet.
In 1979, President Jimmy Carter proclaimed the month of June as Black Music Month. The month-long observance, which was first inducted on June 7, 1979, was created to recognize and celebrate the historical influence African-Americans have had on the music industry and is intended to pay homage to the many artists, writers, songs and […]
Read MoreA motto that I live by is “when you learn, teach and why you teach, learn’. When You Learn, Teach I am a strong proponent of service and ‘paying it forward’. Everyone needs a little help. We all have a story to tell and have learned lessons that can help or inspire others. […]
Read MoreOne of my favorite television channels is Hallmark Channel. Hallmark channel is one of my favorite television channels for two reasons; (1) Christmas movies and (2) movies with happy endings. As a human services professional, I have been exposed to a lot of trauma, disappointment, and injustice. When I turn on my television I […]
Read MoreI am frequently asked what tasks an intern can perform. Some people only believe that intern should do grunt work or menial labor. Other people practically want to turn over the reigns to the company. Although all companies and internship programs have unique characteristics, what tasks are appropriate to assign to an intern lies […]
Read MoreInterns Are Not Good Free Labor By Ben Cheng, Co-founder of @Oursky and Skygear.io Interns Are Not Good Free Labor In fact, they’re more expensive than you think. We recently did a quarterly review with our content interns and found that one piece took 3 x 8-hour days to write. An editor, full-time staff, and the intern […]
Read MoreSomeone said that you manage things and processes and you lead people. I agree with that wholeheartedly. When my staff have introduced me as their “boss” I immediately shutter as I am not the boss of anyone. I always state that I am their supervisor or that I supervise their work, or I give […]
Read MoreI am the CEO of Packaged For Success Enterprises and an Internship Program Consultant who shows managers how to increase productivity, performance, and ultimately profits by launching and managing a strong internship program. Packaged For Success Enterprises was created to share tips and strategies for achieving success on your own terms. I love that […]
Read MoreManaging people can be very difficult. People come into the workplace with the experiences of their pasts – both good and bad and both new and old. Resumes and interviews are great screening tools, but you truly never know your employees until they become your employees. As the saying goes “hard skills may get […]
Read MoreI’ve been spending a lot more time in my car over the last three weeks, so I decided to return to my student status in “Auto University”. I took a trip to my local library to pick up an audio book for my travels and decided to browse the book shelves. As I walked […]
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