Every Mom’s Test (poem)


Every Mom’s Test

© Nandita Shailesh Shanbhag
(Permission to reprint requested from Family Friendly Poems)
You are special; you mean the world to me
You are my daughter, a reflection of my entity

Every year, as I watch you grow by my side
No matter what you do, you are my source of pride

The umbilical cord may have been cut but you should know
You are still bound to my soul, wherever you go

Sometimes I am firm and you may think I am wrong
Remember it is easy to give in, but tough to be strong

Sometimes I am strict and you may think it is unfair
But I correct you only because I love and care

I harden my heart and nag, scold and fight
To teach you the difference between the wrong and the right

For soon, the days will pass swiftly all in a whirl
And into a woman will grow my baby girl

Tomorrow when you need inner strength above all
I hope my values will give you the courage to stand tall

I hope that in my teaching you will find tips few
Soon when you strive to make your dreams come true

At a later date, when the real world you have to face
Today’s lessons will help you go ahead in the race

Some day in the future when a mother you will be
From my point of view, the world you will see

For your baby then you will do what is best
To blend discipline with kindness is every mom’s test

Happy Birthday to my baby girl who has grown into an amazing young woman!!


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