Get Your Family Organized and On Time


Disorganization can overwhelm, cause stress, decrease efficiency, and rob your family of quality time together.  An organized lifestyle can help save your sanity and can also save you both time and money.  Getting organized will not only simplify your life and boost your creativity but it will give you a sense of calm and control.  You will save money because you will not buy new items when you are able to find and use the items you already have.  So parents…here are a few tips to help you get organized.

  • Get rid of things you don’t need.  This allows room for new thoughts, ideas, and things to enter your life.  This is a great opportunity to donate to charities.
  • Give everything its own place and then keep your things in their place.
  • Set up a simple storage/organization system.  Consider using storage bins, closed storage cabinets, or a color-coded storage system.
  • Store items according to your needs.  What you use most often should be easiest to reach.
  • Hang like clothing items together in your closet.  This makes it easier to find the clothing you are looking for and also makes it easier to mix and match items.
  • Choose and iron your entire outfit at night.  This includes shoes and accessories.
  • Prepare lunch or gather lunch money in the evening.
  • Make sure you have all the supplies and materials you need to be successful at work and your children have what they need to be success at school.
  • Keep briefcases, backpacks and books near the front door to save time in the morning.
  • Designate a key spot.  Place your keys there as soon as you arrive home.  No more spending hour searching for lost keys.
  • Realize that “No” is a complete sentence.  Don’t over-extend yourself trying to help others.
  • Don’t join every club or team.  Participate in the activities that matter most to you and your family.
  • Make it a family affair.  Remember that your children need to learn these lessons as well!

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