Jimmy Graham: From Foster Care to Statistic Breaker


I tuned in to Oprah’s Lifeclass: The Tour with Bishop TD Jakes this past Monday night and was delighted to learn about Jimmy Graham, tight end for the NFL New Orleans Saints.  I’m not a football fan but I am an advocate for youth in foster care and I was captivated as Jimmy shared his experience as a teen in the system.


If you’ve been following our blog, you know that we are commemorating National Foster Care Awareness Month 2012 with a focus on teen males in the foster care system.  We are raising awareness about the needs of teen males in the foster care system in two special ways:

(1)    Hosting our First Annual Pack A Backpack Drive to donate backpacks and personal hygiene items to teen males in foster care


(2)    Using our BLOG as a platform to share real life stories about teen males who are about to age out of the foster care system and foster parents who are helping teen males successfully transition into adulthood


The focus of this episode of Oprah’s Lifeclass: The Tour was finding (and living) your life purpose.  I was so inspired by Jimmy’s story that I didn’t want to wait until May to share it with you.


Jimmy had grown up in a home without a dad and with a mother that didn’t provide the nurturance and support her son needed to thrive.  At age 11 his mother dropped him off at a foster care group home with his belongings in a black garbage bag.  He remained in that group home about 8 months but things were not better when he returned to his mother’s care.  Jimmy was filled with anger but began to play sports and attend a small church where he met Becky Vinson, a young single mother struggling to make ends meet and graduate nursing school.  Becky saw promise in Jimmy. She allowed Jimmy into her home and after years of not feeling loved he allowed her into his life.  That loving, stable home changed the trajectory of Jimmy’s life.  When he accepted Becky’s love and expectations, he made a conscious decision to become a “statistic breaker” and not a negative statistic.


Sincerity and humbleness filled the stage as Jimmy shared his story.  Becky provided continued encouragement from the Oprah audience. Jimmy explained how he began to set goals for himself.  He improved his grades, changed the way he dressed, and even began to speak differently.  Jimmy graduated high school and received or 40 basketball scholarships. He attended the University of Miami on a full scholarship.  Jimmy played basketball for the Miami Hurricane’s Men’s Basketball team from 2005 to 2009. Jimmy graduated from Miami in May 2009 with a double major in marketing and management, and then stayed at Miami to take graduate classes while playing a season of football.  Jimmy was drafted by the New Orleans Saints in the third round of the 2010 NFL Draft.

As I watched the show it appeared to me that Jimmy and Becky were both proud of and inspired by each other.  The strong bond was unmistakable.


I applaud Jimmy for using his celebrity to help teens who are living the life of his past. He has not forgotten his journey and is speaking out to raise awareness about the challenges teens in foster care (and especially teen males) face.  Jimmy said his purpose is to offer hope to other children who feel unloved and encourage encourage. I was so appreciative of the fact that millions of people all over the world were able to see the power that love and support have in the lives of children.  His TV interview counteracted out so many negative stereotypes people have about teen males in the system.  Jimmy’s story also showed the world that large bank accounts and college degrees aren’t required to be a good foster parent or mentor.  It was a fantastic show.


Thank you Jimmy Graham.  Thank you Becky Vinson.  Thank you Oprah Winfrey.




Nicki Sanders, MSW, Chief Visionary Officer

The Teen Toolbox provides youth portfolio development and civic engagement and academic enrichment opportunities to help teens set goals for life after high school and create a road map to reach those goals through its PACKAGED FOR SUCCESS™ Programs.

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