My Current Resume Is Boring!



September is International Update Your Resume Month.

The purpose of a resume is to showcase your education, skills, and professional experiences. It allows you to tell your personal story to potential employers and clients, current supervisors, and academic institutions. In short, it lets everyone know how amazing you are!

Is your resume up to date?

I am a Social Work Career Coach who as a hiring manager has read and reviewed thousands of resumes but doesn’t offer resume writing as a service. I’m a good writer and I do provide resume reviews and offer recommendations, but I don’t write them for my clients. Why? Because I don’t like doing resumes. In fact, my current resume is boring.

I review my own resume at least quarterly (and recommend my clients do the same), but I’ve spent more time with both my resumes and curriculum vitae (CV) over the last month because I’ve submitted proposals for speaking opportunities.

Why do I consider my current resume boring? Well, because I am in a phase of growth and transition and my resume hasn’t caught up yet. It’s sufficient, but while writing proposals, I realized that:

  • I haven’t enrolled in new certifications or training programs this year.
  • I haven’t dedicated time to volunteerism this year.
  • I had not added my renewed membership with The Association for Community Organization and Social Action (ACOSA)
  • I had not added the Pack A Purse Drive™ even though we have hosted the annual event for 15 years.

I could go on, but you get the idea. Your resume is a living breathing document. And, yes, my resume and CV will be updated by the end of the month. And, yes, I will be engaging in expansive professional activities as well. Don’t forget that September is also Self-Improvement Month.

When will you plan to update your resume?

If you are ready to improve your position to elevate your career and desire assistance from a Social Work Career Coach, schedule a Career Activation Strategy Session today.


  • Make a Results-Based Resume a Part of your Career Acceleration Plan
  • I’m Holding Us Accountable!





Nicki Sanders, MSW, ushers high-performing women of color in mid-level social work and human services leadership through promotion to senior leadership. As Founder and CEO of Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting, her mission is simple – to eliminate toxic workplaces by developing skilled, empathetic, and goal-oriented leaders who have the vision, support, and resources to create a culture where business prospers, and employees thrive individually and collectively. Nicki has an extensive background in nonprofit management leading high-functioning, multi-disciplinary teams. She is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has combined her gift for authentic relationships, Master of Social Work degree, and over 20 years of diverse work experience to create a life and career aligned with her values and purpose. Nicki is a lover of cupcakes, travel, and 80’s hip hop and R&B music.

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