My Words Have Power: Social Work Career Edition



Wednesday Wisdom:

Social work skills are highly transferable, high-income skills…but I haven’t always prioritized salary and benefits in my career.

Money was never enough reason for me to accept a position, enjoying my work was the priority. My years of letting love of my work replace financial gain wasn’t enough either because there was always an imbalance.

I stayed in financial survival mode way too long and that is one reason I will always remind social workers that you can do work that feeds your heart, mind, and wallet.

My bills were always paid and I did fun things, but financial survival mode for me looked like not being able to save properly for retirement, not being able to take the week vacation, driving the car until it was undriveable, and depriving myself in other areas with the fear of a major financial crisis always looming in the back of my mind.

And of course, no one knew I was carrying that financial guilt and fear for decades.

This is one area where I don’t want you to follow my career example.

You deserve to be paid well for your social work education, experience, and expertise.


(Social Media Post) Let’s stop glorifying poverty!! Financial struggle doesn’t make you a better social worker.

  • Life more abundantly
  • Money is not the root of all evil
  • Money solves a lot of problems
  • My words have power

I am committed to only doing work that I love with organizations that live a mission aligned with mine.

With a commitment to social justice, equity, and organizational wellness, my calendar is open for new consulting and coaching clients.

Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting is a professional training and development company that provides leadership development training to corporations, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit organizations.
•         Coaching and mentorship to high-performing women of color in social work leadership.
•         Assistance in recruiting, hiring, training, and retaining exceptional employees.
•         Development and management of successful social impact, youth development, volunteer, and internship programs.
•         Training and presentations on professional and personal development and organizational wellness.

SCHEDULE a free consultation to discuss ways I can support your career, company, and/or community.



Nicki Sanders, MSW, is committed to career development, professional development, and organizational development. As Founder and CEO of Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting, her mission is simple – to eliminate toxic workplaces by developing skilled, empathetic, and goal-oriented leaders who have the vision, support, and resources to create a culture where business prospers, and employees thrive individually and collectively. Nicki supports high-performing women of color in social work leadership in developing careers that feed their hearts, minds, and wallets. She has an extensive background in nonprofit management leading high-functioning, multi-disciplinary teams, volunteer recruitment and retention, and social impact programming. Nicki is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has combined her gift for authentic relationships, Master of Social Work degree, and over 20 years of diverse work experience to create a life and career aligned with her values and purpose. She is a lover of nature, cupcakes, travel, and 80’s hip hop and R&B music.

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