This Is What I’m Worrying About Social Workers



What I’ve encountered recently is a lot more professionals in a state of sheer confusion, unable to decide how to move forward but “needing” to move forward.

• Busy but not feeling productive.

• Hard on yourself for not doing the things you “need” to do.

• Wanting to prioritize impact in your work but unsure if the perfect opportunity exists.

• Lack of confidence in the full spectrum of your work experience and transferable skills.

These may be lingering emotions, or they may be fleeting, but they’re very real.

1. When slowing down and removing things from your task list feels lazy and unproductive, that’s exactly when you need to slow down more.

2. When your mind is filled with so many possibilities that you can’t make informed decisions, that’s when you need to slow down more.

3. When you doubt your years of diverse accomplishments and achievements, that’s when you need to slow down more.

Many well-educated, experienced social workers and human services professionals are living in professional survival mode, which can include financial survival mode.

The causes can be plentiful, but it is always hard to thrive when you’re trying to survive.

I’m not sure why this label/name/concept popped up in my mind. What I mean is I’m unsure if I’ve ever heard it before.

Have you ever felt like you were in professional survival mode?

Power Hour and Career Activation Strategy Session are the two career development services that I’m offering today, but truthfully, my wheels are spinning and I feel something new brewing, even though I don’t know exactly what that is yet.


POWER HOUR Session is a safe space for authenticity, creativity, and objectivity! Dedicated time to pick my brain during a one-hour brainstorming session where we tackle your professional challenges together with privacy and intention.


Career Activation Strategy Session allows you 60 minutes of uninterrupted time to develop strategies to accelerate your career on your own terms through generation of ideas and creative solutions to your employment questions, issues, or interests while developing customized strategies to help you reach your next career goal.

Select One (1) Focus Area for Your Strategy Session:

-Destination – Establish specific career focus and develop goals and milestones to reach them
-Preparation – Uncover and combat internal and external barriers to career success
-Amplification – Leverage your skills to ace your promotion meeting, performance review, or job interview



Nicki Sanders, MSW, is committed to career development, professional development, and organizational development. As Founder and CEO of Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting, her mission is simple – to eliminate toxic workplaces by developing skilled, empathetic, and goal-oriented leaders who have the vision, support, and resources to create a culture where business prospers, and employees thrive individually and collectively. Nicki supports high-performing women of color in social work leadership in developing careers that feed their hearts, minds, and wallets. She has an extensive background in nonprofit management leading high-functioning, multi-disciplinary teams, volunteer recruitment and retention, and social impact programming. Nicki is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has combined her gift for authentic relationships, Master of Social Work degree, and over 20 years of diverse work experience to create a life and career aligned with her values and purpose. She is a lover of nature, cupcakes, travel, and 80’s hip hop and R&B music.

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