Today was a good day but every day won’t be a good day. We all face struggles and get discouraged at times. Sometimes it’s really hard to remain positive. Thinking positive thoughts on good days can help you to sustain your hope on challenging days. Positive thoughts build your skills, boost your health, and improve your work. Developing a habit of positive thinking helps you develop a positive attitude. Optimism can make life seem easier and even more enjoyable.
We all have met people who lose their motivation when they fail or who believe that they are constantly bombarded by adversity. It’s really hard to be successful when you doubt yourself. Positive thinking often leads to positive results. Believing that you have the ability to achieve a task puts you on the fast track to accomplishing it. It allows you to regroup and seek different solutions when things aren’t going well. We all get stumped sometimes but our thoughts determine whether we fall down and stay there or get up and keep moving forward.
I once heard someone say it’s alright to talk to yourself but there’s cause for concern when you begin to reply. I’m not sure if I agree but I do talk to myself…a lot. What about you? Sometimes I simply ask myself questions. Others time I need to give myself a pep talk. When things aren’t working out so well or I feel frustrated, I will often tell myself things like “get it together” or “shake it off”. The reason I can be so curt is because I have built up a reserve of positive experiences and thoughts. I have gotten in the habit of reminding myself of all the obstacles I have overcome and goals I have achieved. I regularly think of the wonderful family and friends who support me. Gratitude is essential. There’s little time for sulking when you’re pursuing your dreams.
I also build my optimism reserve by feeding my mind a positive diet. My positive diet consists of music, movies, television, and books. As adults, most of us understand that children should not watch television programs that are filled with violence, profanity, and pessimism. We understand that kid’s music should be uplifting. Why is it that so many adults spend hours feeding our brains negativity? I disagree with people who say they watch “bad” TV because the need mindless activity and that there is no harm in indulging in this guilty pleasure. There is no such this as mindless television viewing – your subconscious is taking in every word and deed. Despite my initial reservations and objections, I watched the first full season of the hit TV show” The Fosters”. The show was so full of drama that I would absolutely be on pins and needles for an hour. It made me so anxious I would have to decompress after watching. I told myself that as a foster care advocate I needed to watch it. I got sucked in. When season two aired I was so excited – I had waited six months to see what would happen. The first episode began with unbelievable drama and I could feel my anxiety level increasing by the minute. I realized that I had not felt that way in six months and I didn’t like that feeling. I made a very conscious decision not to watch the show.
Lastly, you can develop a positive mental attitude by surrounding yourself with people who have positive mental attitudes. Negative people can drain your energy and motivation. Spending time with people who will not only encourage and uplift you but lovingly challenge you to do more and be more is invaluable.
Nicki Sanders, Chief Visionary Officer of Packaged For Success, helps both youth and adults discover their personal power, dream big, and achieve success on their own terms. Ms. Sanders is an experienced trainer, group facilitator, and program manager who holds a Master’s degree in Social Work. Ms. Sanders has over fifteen years of direct experience with diverse populations in residential, school-based, and community based agencies.
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