Yes, Every Teen Needs A Portfolio


As you know by now, PACKAGED FOR SUCCESS™ Portfolio Development Program is our professional portfolio development program for teens.  Through this program we provide templates, tips, and resources for teens to develop a strong professional portfolio.  I’m often asked if I believe that every teen needs a professional portfolio and my answer is always the same.  “Yes, I do believe that every teen needs a portfolio.”


A portfolio is a visual representation that can be used in a variety of situations.  It gives employers, recruiters, and scouts a complete picture of who a teen is – their abilities, experiences, education, achievements and potential.  Whether they are applying to college, applying for a job or volunteer position, or starting a business a teen will need to articulate their strengths and skills and show what they are capable of.  The added bonus is that they also have a showcase of their talents and skills for their own personal benefit. Benefits can include boosting self-confidence and recognizing areas they may want to improve in.


The documents in each teen’s portfolio will be different based on their individual skills, interests, and experiences. The process of developing a portfolio builds winner habits and life long skills. Once a student completes their first portfolio, they then have the ability and tools to continually update their portfolio with new information and tools.  The portfolio will continue to grow and develop as the teen continues to grow and develop.


So yes, every teen needs a professional portfolio and our PACKAGED FOR SUCCESS™ Portfolio Development Program is the perfect opportunity.  In the Packaged For Success program we are doing more than building a portfolio, we are building 21st century leaders.



Nicki Sanders, MSW, Chief Visionary Officer
The Teen Toolbox provides youth portfolio development and civic engagement and academic enrichment opportunities to help teens set goals for life after high school and create a road map to reach those goals through its PACKAGED FOR SUCCESS™ Programs.

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