Assemble Your New Manager Travel Kit


Leadership can be a lonely road but with preparation, training, and support, you will survive.  Honestly, I want you to thrive not just survive.  Just as you plan and pack before you travel or take a road trip, these are my recommendations for thriving on your management journey.

I. Professional Journal

A professional Journal is a great way to get your thoughts out of your head. Journaling allows you a safe space to release. Your professional journal should be more than a venting or dumping book. Spend time writing about workplace situations and your reactions to the situations to help you better understand and analyze them. Don’t forget to record your successes as often as your challenges.

II. Manager’s Playlist

Studies show that music is beneficial to our overall health and well-being. Music can provide comfort, decrease anxiety, provide an outlet for self-expression, improve moods, and facilitate physical activity. Whether your playlist is on your cell phone, on your music streaming account on your computer, or on a CD, be sure to include songs that energize and encourage you.

III. A Management Coach

As you travel on this management voyage of personal and professional development, both a mentor and a coach can be invaluable.  A mentor most often works in your industry or occupation and provides wisdom or guidance based on their experience. A coach uses their training and experience to guide you through self-discovery and self-led problem solving. With a coach you will determine your goals and objectives and your coach will partner with you and hold you accountable in achieving the goals you set for yourself.

IV. A Survival Kit

Each item you pack in your survival kit will symbolize an essential idea or characteristic and is meant to remind you of your value.

  1. Paper Clip = hold it all together
  2. Sharpie = leave a good impression wherever you go
  3. Eraser = it’s OK to make mistakes
  4. Tootsie Roll = roll with the punches
  5. Batteries = recharge and energize yourself
  6. Candle = shine your light
  7. Laffy Taffy = keep your sense of humor
  8. Chewing Gum = stick to it/don’t give up
  9. Gloves = you can’t do it all and will need an extra pair of hands
  10. Seeds = sometimes you sow seeds that will be watered and nurtured elsewhere
  11. Marbles = to replace the ones you feel like you’ve lost
  12. Rubber Band = be flexible
  13. Sponge – continue to soak up new knowledge
  14. Highlighter = highlight the positives
  15. Rope = hold on tight

Nicki Sanders, MSW, is a travel and cupcake lover with a passion for self-discovery and career advancement. She has an extensive background in developing and managing interns and successful internship programs. She is an accomplished supervisor, professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has merged her Master of Social Work degree and 20 years of diverse work experience into a thriving business.  Nicki Sanders Consulting helps businesses increase employee recruitment and retention and helps managers uplevel their leadership skills.  

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