“Management is all about managing in the short term, while developing the plans for the long term.” -Jack Welch
GET HIRED/GET PROMOTED Career Advancement Package for Managers
If you’re ready to level up as a leader and take your management career to the next level, the GET HIRED/GET PROMOTED Career Advancement Package for Managers is the perfect opportunity to uplevel your resume, strategically map out your next professional move, and prepare for the interview for the management position of your dreams. This coaching package offers:
- Management Resume Review (1)
- Management Strategy Session (2)
- Management Interview Audit (2)
Now is a great time to take steps to advance your management career. $1,997
You also have the option of a la cart pricing. You can purchase the GET HIRED/GET PROMOTED Resume Review, Strategy Session, and Interview Audit separately but remember that you get the most support with my Career Advancement Package
The GET HIRED/GET PROMOTED Career Advancement Package listed above offers two (2) additional individual sessions. You will receive two (2) Strategy Sessions and two (2) Interview Audits with the package.
GET HIRED/GET PROMOTED Resume Review for Managers
Get professional feedback and suggestions on how to take your management resume to the next level with a Management Resume Review.
My resume suggestions and feedback are based on over a decade of experience, training, and research as a hiring manager. Resume update and revision are not included in this offer. Resume Review includes tips and recommendations only. $197.00
GET HIRED/GET PROMOTED Strategy Session for Managers
GET HIRED Strategy Session allows you 50 minutes of uninterrupted time with me to improve your job search results. You and I will work together to generate ideas and creative solutions to your employment questions, issues or situations.
Schedule your Management Strategy Session to gain insider insight from a hiring manager, discover new perspectives to help you get unstuck, and welcome a new cheerleader to your job search team. $297
Your resume has been reviewed and updated. You have a new job search strategy. You’ve landed the interview. NOW WHAT? Now you arrange a mock interview for your dream job.
You and I will set up a one-hour video interview where you will receive tips and feedback on your presence, your responses, and your interview strengths and areas for improvement. $497

Nicki Sanders, MSW, is a travel and cupcake lover with a passion for self-discovery and career advancement. She has an extensive background in developing and managing interns and successful internship programs. She is an accomplished supervisor, professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has merged her Master of Social Work degree and 20 years of diverse work experience into a thriving business. Nicki Sanders Consulting helps businesses increase employee recruitment and retention and helps managers uplevel their leadership skills.
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