Our Blog
You deserve to do work that feeds your heart, mind, and wallet.
I read an article recently that listed 30 things that today’s kids will never know or understand. This is apparently a hot topic. A quick internet search will pull up dozens of articles. Some of the items listed in the article include: Pay phone/rotary phone/landlineEncyclopediaVHSMounted pencil sharpenerWriting a checkCamera filmPaper mapsPhone bookPrint TV listing (remember […]
Read MoreConversations with Nicki Sanders monthly leadership interviews highlight the success strategies, advice, and career journeys of authentic women leaders in a variety of industries. These women are amazing, and I am honored to have the opportunity to share their stories with you. I am grateful for the awesomeness of my professional network. For May 2021, bringing […]
Read MoreI LOVE college students – teaching in the classroom and serving as an Internship Supervisor. I really miss doing both right now. Some of you may not understand this, but as an introvert and a creative, I need to miss my students LOL. I teach in the fall, use winter break to rejuvenate, then take […]
Read MoreMy internet homepage is a double-edged sword, but I realize that I control the algorithm. Some articles I find interesting and excitedly share them with you. Other times I read articles that make me furious. The algorithm then shows me more articles that make me angry. You get the point. This was super troubling during […]
Read MoreAn ambivert is a person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features. It is now believed that more people fall in this middle category. Nope, not me. Here are a few ambivert characteristics that I don’t identify with: (1) You feel comfortable in social settings and value alone time, too [this one […]
Read MoreLife Direction Activity with no clear direction is little more than a waste of time and energy. Yet when you give direction to your efforts, they result in true achievement. No matter how fast and furious you’re going, if you don’t have a consistent direction then you won’t end up getting anywhere meaningful. Yet even […]
Read MoreHonor your calling. Turn your calling into a career. Own your career with confidence. “Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude, follow it.” ― […]
Read MoreThe cicadas are coming! The cicadas are coming, and I’m absolutely dreading the thought of their existence. This will be my third encounter with these insects. I was a junior high school student in Washington, DC, the first time cicadas emerged during my lifetime. During the second cicada invasion, I was a full-time employed, adult […]
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