Brand Your Company to Recruit the Best Interns



Let’s face it, name recognition is important.  People want to be connected to people and companies that invoke positive or powerful emotions.  The truth is some interns select their placement based on name recognition.  How can you distinguish your business so that you are an intern’s first choice?


  • What are your company’s core values?
  • What is your company’s mission?
  • What differentiates your company from your competitors?
  • What do your clients and potential think of your company?
  • What qualities do you want associated with your company?


Branding tells interns who you are, what you do, what to expect being connected to you, and where you are going. Branding help you secure customers and create loyal followers and brand ambassadors. Building a strong company brand requires research, reflection and deliberation, and most of all consistent, strategic action.


Here are 5 tips for building a strong brand to attract the best interns:

  1. Embrace your uniqueness
  2. Aim to build long-term connections
  3. Communicate your messages consistently across selected platforms
  4. Engage with your community
  5. Create great experiences for your customers, employees, and interns



Related Post:

How New Edition Can Help You Attract the Best Interns
















Nicki Sanders, The Packaged For Success Coach, is an Adjunct Professor with a passion for business and career development. She has an extensive background in developing and managing interns and successful internship programs. She is a skilled manager, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has packaged her Master of Social Work degree and 20 years of work experience into Packaged For Success, a full service training and professional development company.

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