How Is Your Current Job Impacting Your Life?


Our identity can be tied up in our title, salary, or corner office. Many of us spend more time at work with our colleagues than our waking hours at home with our families – especially those who have long commutes or multiple jobs. What’s more, we often try but fail to leave work at work when we head home.  Work-related problems can impact our physical, emotional and mental health.

Your job can contribute to separation of meaningful relationships or the initiation of new, valuable relationships.

Your job can drain your brain power or stimulate your brain cells.

Your job can cause fear of losing your livelihood or provide the funds to live the lifestyle you love.

Work is a key factor in our loves. Here are 20 questions to help you evaluate how your current job is impacting your life.

  1. Do you experience Sunday Night Blues?
  2. Are you excited about Monday?
  3. Do you receive adequate feedback t improve your performance?
  4. Do you skip annual vacations?
  5. Are you encouraged to practice regular self-care?
  6. Do you feel energized after completing projects at work?
  7. Do you see yourself working at your job in two years?
  8. Do you feel people are held accountable at your company?
  9. Are you satisfied with your job overall?
  10. Do you feel you can trust your colleagues?
  11. Do you rarely leave work on time?
  12. Do you feel additional stress when you think about your job?
  13. Do you feel your and your colleagues work well as a team?
  14. Do you have adequate tools and training to do your job well?
  15. Do you find your job challenging and interesting?
  16. Do you work through your lunch break?
  17. Are you encouraged to come up with better ways of doing things?
  18. Is the behavior of leadership consistent with company values?
  19. Do you see a clear path to a promotion?
  20. Is there opportunity for growth?

Be honest about both the positive and negative impacts of your current job. January and February are peak job hunting season. You deserve work that fills your wallet, satisfies your soul, stimulates your mind. When you’re clear about what you want and why it is much easier to attain. You must put in the work, but clarity is a game changer. If you want to join me in doing work that you love, let’s strategize!

Head over to Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting on Facebook to check out the replays of my Career Acceleration Series.

Nicki Sanders, MSW, CEO, is a travel and cupcake lover with an aptitude for authentic connection and career acceleration. She has an extensive background in developing and managing successful programs and leading high-functioning multi-disciplinary teams. She is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has merged her Master of Social Work degree and over 20 years of diverse work experience into a thriving business.  Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting helps businesses recruit and retain the best employees and helps women in mid-level management Get Promoted to the job of their dreams.  

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