POWER HOUR: Where Do You Have Your Best Ideas?



I have great ideas in the shower, but my best ideas come to me when I first awake in the morning. What about you?

From a professional standpoint, I am an idea generator and a problem-solver. I embrace creativity and I’ve trained myself to see possibilities. One of my professional gifts is to help others tap into their gifts.

Here’s what others who have worked with me recently have to say:

  1. “Thank you again for offering your time and services to me. Our conversation was so inspiring and informative, and funny enough, the next day I received a volunteer opportunity for teens. Look how God works🙌🏾. I feel more equipped to move forward in expanding my skills and experiences, and building relationships.”
  2. “Nicki, it was so great to meet you. You are who I needed back in 2011. I can’t wait to connect with you further.”
  3. “I took your advice and started reaching higher! I just accepted a Federal position at (private). It’s an EAP Manager role. No direct practice, thank God!!!!!! I plan to live in (private), and my start date is in June.”

I have a simple invitation especially for you. Let’s brainstorm together.

Join me for a POWER HOUR Session. POWER HOUR is a safe space for authenticity, creativity, and opportunity!
• Private
• Purposeful
• Powerful

I’m a Fractional Chief Program Officer & Leadership Consultant building healthy workplaces with strong teams and powerful programs and a Social Work Career Empowerment Coach dismantling the outdated, narrow view of social work. Strategic Career Management is the lifelong process of investing resources into your career to maintain or increase your value in the workplace, undertake work that is personally satisfying, strive for work/life balance, and achieve financial security, and the 3 pillars in my Strategic Career Management process are clarity, credibility, and congruency. I want to help you gain clarity.

You don’t have to experience uncertainty, doubt, or confusion alone. I’m here to support you get clear on your next steps and increase your confidence and commitment. The investment is $189.00 but the results are priceless.

POWER HOUR Session is dedicated time to pick my brain during a one-hour brainstorming session where we tackle your professional challenges together with objectivity, strategy, and authenticity. You always have options and at the end of your session you will be able to implement at least 3 ideas to get you back in motion and working on your goals.

  • Have multiple ideas swirling in your head?
  • Want to tackle the things you’ve been putting off for far too long?
  • Trouble putting your degree to work to advance your career?
  • Struggling with the job search process?
  • Confidence or optimism taken a hit recently?
  • Considering a career or business pivot?

REGISTER FOR YOUR POWER HOUR SESSION TODAY.  Gift yourself the gift of clarity and progress today.

LIMITED AVAILABILITY: A $189.00 investment in your next level. I’m offering 10 people the opportunity to pick my brain in a focused one-hour session that you leave with at least 3 implementable ideas.

POWER HOUR Session – a one-hour brainstorming session where we tackle your biggest professional challenge.

Total: 189.00 USD


Nicki Sanders, MSW, is committed to career development, professional development, and organizational development. As Founder and CEO of Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting, her mission is simple – to eliminate toxic workplaces by developing skilled, empathetic, and goal-oriented leaders who have the vision, support, and resources to create a culture where business prospers, and employees thrive individually and collectively. Nicki supports high-performing women of color in social work leadership in developing careers that feed their hearts, minds, and wallets. She has an extensive background in nonprofit management leading high-functioning, multi-disciplinary teams, volunteer recruitment and retention, and social impact programming. Nicki is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has combined her gift for authentic relationships, Master of Social Work degree, and over 20 years of diverse work experience to create a life and career aligned with her values and purpose. She is a lover of nature, cupcakes, travel, and 80’s hip hop and R&B music.

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