how to succeed in college

5 Questions That Can Positively Impact Your College Experience

As tuition continues to rise, many people are questioning the value of a college education. According to census data analysis by Pew Research Center, high-school graduates, as a whole, were more likely to live in poverty and be dissatisfied with their jobs, if employed. Young adults with only a high school diploma earn 62% of

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5 Tips for College Transfer Students

The traditional college experience where students enter and graduate from the same institution has steadily over recent years. It is estimated that nearly one third of students change higher-education institutions. The economy, sky-rocketing tuition rates, and better marketing by community colleges are all factors. I don’t want to overlook that these transfers can also be

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How To Help Nontraditional College Students Get To Graduation

My college success coaching helps struggling, unmotivated, unprepared students as well as thriving students GET TO GRADUATION with more than a degree. My clients GET TO GRADUATION with assistance in course and activity selection, utilization of campus resources, building a professional network, and developing a solid career plan.   Why am I so passionate about

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How To Increase College Graduation Rates For Foster Youth

  Nationwide, more than 400,000 children live in foster care. Each year, an estimated 20,000 young people “age out” of the U.S. foster care system at 18 or 21 years old. Many of these young people carry the trauma of their past, have experienced gaps in their education, have limited work history and job skills,

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5 Things To Consider Before Selecting College Courses

Independence – one of the best things about college life can also be one of the most challenging. Unlike high school, college students have much more autonomy in selecting the classes you take. The goal of a college education is to develop well-rounded students who become global citizens. General education requirements usually include art, music,

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