job interview preparation

5 Ways Developing a Professional Portfolio Can Initiate Career Advancement

  A professional portfolio is more than a holder of your career documents or a conversation starter at on an interview. The process of developing your professional portfolio is just as important as the final product. Building a career portfolio can be enlightening, entertaining, and encouraging. The portfolio development process facilitates increase/improvement in 5 key

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5 Reasons Everyone Needs a Professional Portfolio

  A professional portfolio is an organized collection of documents and items that showcases your talents, most relevant skills, and chronicles your professional path. Portfolios are no longer just for artists, designers, or teachers. A well put together portfolio can increase the confidence of professionals in every discipline or profession.   A professional portfolio is

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What Is Stopping Me From Getting Hired?

The job search process can be demanding, intimidating, and just plain stressful. There are barriers to employment that many people encounter but with planning and support these barriers can become detours instead of stop signs.Common employment barriers include: Long-Term Unemployment Gaps in Employment Housing Appearance/Hygiene Transportation Citizenship/Ethnicity Family Obligations Health Concerns Lack of Experience Lack

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5 Reasons Students Can Benefit from a Career Coach

Getting to college graduation and the transition from college to a prosperous career can be challenging. A career coach can help you maximize this special time in your life and confidently propel yourself into the next chapter.   Here are 5 reasons students can benefit from a career coach. 1. Academically Overwhelmed If your academic

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