We Are Super Women!


I’ve been thinking a lot about the state of women in the workforce as well as in the world.

Every professional woman I know is exhausted. EXHAUSTED!

The last 2 years have been especially heavy and trying for most of us (and the turmoil seems to keep multiplying) but this exhaustion is deeper. It is historical and cultural.

Gaslighting, microaggressions, disregard, and denial seem to be on the increase although we continue to fight to be seen, hear, and valued. We’ve never stopped fighting!

The belief that women should take care of everyone else before caring for our own needs is detrimental to our mental, physical, emotional, and financial health. We deserve rest and rejuvenation and to have our needs met.

The “strong Black woman” and similar stereotypes for all Women of Color are harmful to us individually and collectively. This myth allows others to deny our exhaustion, withhold support and encouragement, and expect unrealistic giving, nurturing, and sacrifice. It forces Black women into feelings of being isolated, unappreciated, and misunderstood.

It’s time for the soft life. It’s time to exhale. it’s time to honor our needs and desires. IT’S TIME!

We are super women, but we are not Superwoman!

As a deep-thinking woman, a social justice advocate, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a leader, an empath, a professor, a coach, an entrepreneur, and a graduate with sociology and social work degrees this isn’t a rant, a complaint or even a call to action to you.

It is my declaration and me leading by example.

It is elevation and the continuation of fulfilling my purpose.

Stay tuned…


Nicki Sanders, MSW, ushers high-performing women of color in mid-level social work and human services leadership through promotion to senior leadership. As Founder and CEO of Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting, her mission is simple – to eliminate toxic workplaces by developing skilled, empathetic, and goal-oriented leaders who have the vision, support, and resources to create a culture where business prospers, and employees thrive individually and collectively. Nicki has an extensive background in nonprofit management leading high-functioning, multi-disciplinary teams. She is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has combined her gift for authentic relationships, Master of Social Work degree, and over 20 years of diverse work experience to create a life and career aligned with her values and purpose. Nicki is a lover of cupcakes, travel, and 80’s hip hop and R&B music.

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