What Can You Learn From The 45th President?


Success without boundaries is impossible. Your boundaries dictate what you engage in and what you refuse. Your boundaries dictate how much time you give to a task and the people you are willing to work with. Boundaries dictate how you treat yourself and what type of treatment you accept from others.

America has tolerated and allowed hatred, division oppression, and mistrust to fester and literally implode on us. There is no magic bullet to bring unity and collaboration to America. New thinking and leadership in our government, businesses, and schools is a good start.

There are two questions that I ask each woman in leadership during our Conversations

with Nicki Sanders interview. One question that I ask is, “what is one positive thing you learned from a bad leader”.

3 Things You Can Learn From The Horrible Leadership of Donald Trump:

  1. Believe In Yourself – Trump believes he is the smartest, best looking, most valuable person in the world. I am not telling you to become a selfish narcissist, but it’s hard to succeed when you don’t believe that success is possible. If you don’t believe in yourself it will be pretty hard for others to believe in you.
  • Encourage Yourself – You will never hear Trump criticize or speak negatively to himself or about himself. He is always bragging about how great he is. I believe he constantly speaks about the amazing person he is because he needs to hear it. Don’t be your own worst enemy. Build yourself up.
  • Advocate For Yourself – Decorum, tact, diplomacy, integrity, and respect are not words that I associate with Trump, however, he does not allow anyone to walk over him, speak bad to him, or discourage him. How can you advocate for yourself without becoming a bully or a tyrant?

A second question that I ask is “what is a leadership growth opportunity you experienced and how did you overcome it”. Trump wants to project an image of power and significance and feeds off of praise and accolades. He freedom and legacy are being challenges as he is the only president in history to be impeached twice, his businesses are losing contracts, Republicans are turning on him, and criminal charges may be in his future. If you want to see what damage control and self-preservation looks like, pay close attention to Donald Trump’s last days in office.

I also recommend that you read the following books if you want to pivot and continue to level up, build a strong brand, accumulate generational wealth, and live a life of freedom and inner peace.

Book Recommendations:

  1. Who Moved My Cheese – Spencer Johnson
  2. The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason
  3. The 4:8 Principle: The Secret to a Joy-Filled Life – Tommy Newberry

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Nicki Sanders, MSW, CEO, is a Career and Empowerment Strategist who helps high-performing women of color in management go from overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated to energized, well paid, and appreciated. Through Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting, she also helps businesses recruit, hire, train, and retain great employees. Nicki has an extensive background in developing and managing successful programs and leading high-functioning multi-disciplinary teams. She is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has combined her gift for authentic relationships, Master of Social Work degree, and over 20 years of diverse work experience to create a life she loves. Nicki is a lover of cupcakes, travel, and 80’s hip hop and R&B music.

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