5 Crucial Questions to Ask Your College Advisor


Your advisor is generally your main point of contact on campus. It is in your best interest that your advisor gets to know you and you get to know them so that you can build a strong working relationship. You want to be more than a paper file.

When you meet with your advisor the first time you will want to inform them of your goals and interests. There are many questions you can ask them over several meetings but here are the 5 crucial questions to ask your college advisor at your first session.

1. How many times do you recommend we meet during the semester?
It is hard to build a relationship with someone you are connected to. Ask your advisor how many times they recommend you meet during the semester. The answer may change over time but I recommend that you meet with your advisor at least two times per semester.

2. Do you prefer to be contacted by phone or email or that students walk in during your office hours?
Ask this question because you want to be respectful of your advisors time and responsibilities but you also want to learn the most effective way to receive services and get your questions answered.

3. Where can I get a full list of the courses I need to graduate?
Although your advisor can help you select courses each semester, you want to be knowledgeable about what is required of you early on and prepared for each academic advisement meeting.

4. What courses do you recommend that I avoid taking in the same semester?
Most advisors understand the academic rigor of courses offered. This insider information is invaluable as you prepare for a course load that is challenging and stimulating but not so stressful that you become overwhelmed or risk failing a course. Remember that most times you are receiving advice and not strict instructions. The final decision is yours.

5. What else can you help me with besides my schedule?
Your college advisor is a valuable campus resource that can connect you with other resources and recommend campus activities and events. Do not graduate without leveraging the opportunities a strong college advisor can help you access.

5 crucial questions for your college advisor










Nicki Sanders, Chief Visionary Officer of Packaged For Success, helps both youth and adults discover their personal power, dream big, and achieve success on their own terms. Ms. Sanders is an experienced trainer, group facilitator, and program manager who holds a Master’s degree in Social Work. Ms. Sanders has over fifteen years of direct experience with diverse populations in residential, school-based, and community based agencies.

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