As tuition continues to rise, many people are questioning the value of a college education. According to census data analysis by Pew Research Center, high-school graduates, as a whole, were more likely to live in poverty and be dissatisfied with their jobs, if employed. Young adults with only a high school diploma earn 62% of the typical salary earned by a college graduate. The earnings gap is increasing. In 1965, high school grads earned 81% of the typical salary of college grads.
Here are 5 questions that can positively impact your college experience.
1. Am I eligible for additional financial aid or institutional scholarships?
2. What services are available to support students academically?
3. What are my study abroad options?
4. Can I schedule walk-in or do I need to schedule an appointment with career services?
5. Where can I find out about all the organizations and activities available on campus?
Here Are 5 More Blogs For Your College Journey:
• 5 Things to Consider Before Selecting College Courses
• 5 Things I Would Go Back And Tell Myself As A College Freshman
• 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Aid Advisor
• 5 Questions for the Department Chair of Your Major
• 5 Things I Would Go Back And Tell Myself As A College Junior
Nicki Sanders is an experienced trainer, group facilitator, and program manager. She has packaged her Masters of Social Work degree and over 15 years of work experience into Packaged For Success, a training and professional development company. Packaged For Success provides career coaching to college students, entry-level job hunters, and experienced employees seeking a promotion. Packaged For Success also offers communication and productivity improvement training for employees and supervisors and provides consultation on building sustainable, impactful, socially responsible community programs.
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