Are You Ready to Transform Your Career?


Despite the civil unrest in the country, or possibly because of it, professionals still need to design, build, and nurture their careers. 

How are you doing?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. We are not in unchartered territory. The events over the last 7 days in 2020 are eerily familiar.  Without looking at the calendar, the murder, abuse, oppression, and gaslighting we see could be mistaken for taking place in 1920 or 1960. The real difference is the mobile phone camera footage and social media. Hear me well, it’s OK not to be OK as we experience this collective grief and trauma. Also know that we each can play a role in effecting change and the role we play should be one that honors who we are. You can protest, volunteer to feed and care for protestors, donate money or supplies, offer pro bono services, create a resource list, and the list goes on and on. Don’t be shamed into engaging in a way that doesn’t resonate with you. 

In addition to those protesting on the front lines, there are those who instituted “calling out Black” benefits at their places of employment, those who participated in #BlackOutTuesday on yesterday, and those who sat in silence or put on a happy face while their nonBlack colleagues went on with business as usual. Where you work and who you work with can have the same impact on your life, health and wellness as salary and the kind of work that you perform. 

I am a natural teacher and resource sharer. These traits are as much a part of my makeup as they are a part of my gifts. I am a Black women CEO in the leadership consulting and career coaching industries. Carrying the heaviness of the weight of being a Black woman in America, I understand more each day how I am called to lead and serve. My work is important. Sometimes I have needed to disconnect and other days I work with the energy and commitment of my ancestors. I am most successful when I honor my history and authenticity. I believe the same is true for you and I want to help you on your journey.

Are you ready to transform your career?

Now is the time to seek employment that is uplifting and not demeaning. Now is the time to honor your needs and values instead of shrinking to fit someone else’s expectations. Now is the time to embrace your history and operate in authenticity. Because I believe this at my core and want to see you excel, I am extending my Coronavirus Career Acceleration Bundle which includes my Career Journey Map followed by my Career Acceleration Strategy Session through June 30, 2020.  A Career Journey Map session allows you to evaluate your priorities and determine whether to stay in your current role, seek a promotion, or begin your job search [Get Started]. A Career Acceleration Strategy Session offers brainstorming and support in implementing individualized career strategies to attain your updated career goals [Get Positioned]. The combined value of this special offer is $394.00 but my Coronavirus Career Acceleration Bundle is available for $197.00


Coronavirus Career Bundle

Nicki Sanders, MSW, CEO, is a travel and cupcake lover with an aptitude for authentic connection and career design. She has an extensive background in developing and managing successful programs and leading high-functioning multi-disciplinary teams. She is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has merged her Master of Social Work degree and over 20 years of diverse work experience into a thriving business.  Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting helps businesses recruit and retain the best employees and helps women in mid-level management design the careers of their dreams.

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