Black Lives Matter all day, every day!
I am a Black woman. Unapologetically Black.
I rarely describe myself as African American or a woman or color and never as a brown woman (actually I’m confused by the Black women who call themselves Brown, but that is neither here nor there).
I’ve learned how to be diplomatic so as to not appear to be the “angry Black woman” in the workplace. But you know what, I am angry. I am an angry Black woman. A highly educated, skilled, well-connected, compassionate angry Black woman. And I was angry before May 2020!
Because I will likely be angry for quite some time, I have to shift this raw emotion to something constructive. It is time for me to focus on the things that I can immediately control. It is time that I contribute to the fight for equality in my own way. It is time that I get into my position. We all have a role to play in effecting change. Not all of us will march on the front line. Some will teach, speak, preach, dance, donate, organize, cook, nurse, petition, and the list goes on and on. We are all the missing pieces of this advocacy puzzle.
In addition to voting, praying, donating, supporting Black businesses, finding ways to volunteer, raising awareness, listening and teaching, I am also moving Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting forward. It is important that my business makes money so that I can pour back into the community with time, talent, and financial resources. It is time to refocus on my business because:
- I have the ability to help our people attain jobs with benefits that pay a living wage so they can support their families financially.
- I have the ability to help professional women navigate office politics.
- I have the ability to train leaders on diversity and inclusion.
- I have the ability to help our people land management jobs that will allow them to bring in other people of color and improve diversity, inclusion, and equity.
THIS is my zone of genius! This is where I can be most effective!
Don’t let anyone force you into getting involved in the way that is acceptable to them if it is not what is best or good for you!
What position will you play? Get into your position!
Nicki Sanders, MSW, CEO, is a travel and cupcake lover with an aptitude for authentic connection and career design. She has an extensive background in developing and managing successful programs and leading high-functioning multi-disciplinary teams. She is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has merged her Master of Social Work degree and over 20 years of diverse work experience into a thriving business. Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting helps businesses recruit and retain the best employees and helps women in mid-level management design the careers of their dreams.
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