There are many individuals and companies that are experiencing increase during this global health pandemic. There are others who are also maintaining the same level of profit. Not everyone is impacted in a negative way by this pandemic.
- There was a time when I was so exhausted that while driving I would pray for a red light so I could close my eyes for 30 seconds. DON’T DO IT! It is absolutely unsafe.
- There was a time my next step was unclear and I felt like I was on a hamster wheel. I was unsure what things to eliminate and what things to do more of.
- Not too long ago I realized that I was staying in my job for my team instead of leaving the job for myself.
Covid-19 is allowing us an opportunity to extend grace. We all handle stress, pressure, and challenge differently. Two 30 year old women employed in the same position within the same company who both hold Master’s degrees from the same university and both grew up in the same impoverished neighborhood, were both raised by an abusive parent, and ran track in high school did not have the exact same life. The severity of their challenges may have been different and they likely experienced their circumstances in different ways. The outer circumstance, obstacles, and successes we see are never an accurate picture of the internal circumstances, obstacles, and successes overcome. By assuming that if one person can overcome something then everyone else should be able to as well, in the same timeframe and using the same methods is victim-blaming and insensitive.
I am offering career advancement services that I know many are not able to take advantage of. It’s hard to thrive when one is in survival mode. Solving the immediate crisis allows people to free up brain power to strategize and move forward. For example:
- Rent is due and you receive a $1200 stimulus check to secure your family’s housing for an additional month.
- You are laid off from your job and you receive unemployment benefits that allow you to pay your health insurance premium.
- Your children are struggling to complete their school work remotely because you only have one laptop and the school system provides free laptops.
Instead of blaming people in crisis for not being in the place to take advantage of the career advancement services I offer, I will focus my energy on serving those who are ready. Now through May 30, 2020, I am offering a Coronavirus Career Acceleration Bundle that includes my Career Journey Map followed by my Career Acceleration Strategy session for $197.00. The combined value of this special offer is $394.00. This is an amazing savings of $197.00.
Today, my request is that after reading this article, you do three things:
- Grant grace to those who are struggling to deal with this pandemic and support them in any way that you can.
- Spread the word about my career advancement services to those in your network who are ready to move their careers forward.
- Register for my Coronavirus Career Acceleration Bundle if you are ready to take your career to the next level.

Nicki Sanders, MSW, CEO, is a travel and cupcake lover with an aptitude for authentic connection and career design. She has an extensive background in developing and managing successful programs and leading high-functioning multi-disciplinary teams. She is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has merged her Master of Social Work degree and over 20 years of diverse work experience into a thriving business. Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting helps businesses recruit and retain the best employees and helps women in mid-level management design the careers of their dreams.
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