Where Are You Learning?


I love to learn. I have always loved to learn whether I’m finding out new information from books, television, conversations, classes, field trips, or events. I started paying for professional development in my early twenties. I became a regular attendee at an adult learning center in Washington, DC that offered courses ranging from soap making to entrepreneurship. What I found when I attended the entrepreneurship and financial literacy courses was that most of the time I was the youngest person in the room. It was also during this time that I began to take more night and weekend courses in college. Those college courses were filled with full-time working professionals who were also older than I was.


I learned two very important things from these experiences:

1. You’re never too old to follow your dreams. Dreams don’t have an expiration date. These adults did not let the fear of starting anew or starting over deter them from their goals. When you open yourself up to evolution you may even meet a friend or accountability partner on a similar journey.

2. You’re never too young to live your dreams. I was grateful to be learning career and entrepreneurship information at an early age. I was not only encouraged but supported to keep moving forward.


Now, it’s your turn. What do you want to learn?

I want to help you explore your skills, interests, and opportunities. I am here to help you keep moving forward with your college, career, and entrepreneurship goals. It’s time to say goodbye to academic confusion, unemployment, underemployment and obscurity and welcome growth and advancement into your life. Here’s how:

1. Get To Graduation Workshop – The path to a college degree is rarely linear. Earning a degree is only part of the successful higher education equation. A well-adjusted student has a plan B, C and D, understands the importance of strong connections, practical experience, and marketable skills, and has learned to leverage campus and career opportunities. This workshop will help both graduate and undergraduate students maintain motivation and make the most of their college years.

2. Get Hired Workshop
During this interactive workshop we will explore the strategies in Get Hired Toolbox: 30 Ways to Land the Job of Your Dreams to help you develop an individual job search plan. Implementing your job new search plan with fidelity will result in greater clarity, less apprehension, and more interviews.

3. You can Ask Nicki how to get promoted on campus, on your job or in your during my LIVE monthly FREE 30 minute group question and answer call on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 9:00pm – 9:30pm. (This is a “round robin” format. Questions are taken on a first come first served basis. Call in early to increase the likelihood that your question will be answered.)


#AskNicki   #GetToGraduation   #GetHired   #GetPromoted   #GetInvolved


Quality College Education





Nicki Sanders is an experienced trainer, group facilitator, and program manager. She has packaged her Masters of Social Work degree and over 15 years of work experience into Packaged For Success, a training and professional development company. Packaged For Success provides career coaching to college students, entry-level job hunters, and experienced employees seeking a promotion. Packaged For Success also offers communication and productivity improvement training for employees and supervisors and provides consultation on building sustainable, impactful, socially responsible corporate programs.

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