hiring interns

Millennial interns are not happy making tea and doing photocopying, finds study

  Millennial interns are not happy making tea and doing photocopying, finds study By Shafi Musaddique A survey by Lloyds Banking Group suggests young people feel they aren’t getting the boost they need from internships. Young people feel increasingly sceptical about the value of internships as the majority of them still carry out menial tasks such

Millennial interns are not happy making tea and doing photocopying, finds study Read More »

Why companies should be investing in the millennial intern

  Why companies should be investing in the millennial intern By Sanjana Ray The millennial workforce in the professional world has become a prospective attrayante, for companies looking to adapt to the currents of the ongoing tech revolution. However, most companies prefer to test the mettle of this generation of tech wizards and social media

Why companies should be investing in the millennial intern Read More »

Intern program seeks to attract younger workers to Clark County

  Intern program seeks to attract younger workers to Clark County By Matt Sanctis – Staff Writer, Springfield News-Sun Clark County businesses and economic development leaders hope a program developed for college interns will lead to retaining more younger workers throughout their career. Several local students recently completed the Chamber of Greater Springfield’s Career Sync

Intern program seeks to attract younger workers to Clark County Read More »

Editor’s Desk: Internships provide valuable, professional experience

  Editor’s Desk: Internships provide valuable, professional experience By Rick Hutzell, Capital Gazette I’m pretty proud that this summer, I helped two interns on their way to building a profession for themselves. Alex Mann is a journalism student at the University of Maryland, College Park. He’s from Gibson Island — meaning we didn’t have to

Editor’s Desk: Internships provide valuable, professional experience Read More »

How can employers attract the best interns?

  How can employers attract the best interns? Culture, development and authentic experiences all play their part Tess Taylor @HRKnows1 Across the nation, internships are on the rise. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ 2017 Internship & Co-op Survey, employers are planning to hire 3.4% more interns this year than they did last year.

How can employers attract the best interns? Read More »

6 Student Internship Pitfalls to Avoid

  6 Student Internship Pitfalls to Avoid Student internships infuse energy and can bring much-needed benefits to your organization when done correctly. We reveal some pitfalls to avoid. By Entrepreneurs’ Organization When we asked our entrepreneurs about their experiences with student interns, many had positive outcomes to report. However, some learned by trial and error about

6 Student Internship Pitfalls to Avoid Read More »

4 Benefits of a Student Internship Program

  4 Benefits of a Student Internship Program Think student interns are more of a hindrance than a benefit? We share real-world reasons to reconsider. By Entrepreneurs’ Organization   As an entrepreneur, you’ve probably considered hiring a summer intern, realizing the potential impact of helping enthusiastic students gain invaluable real-world experience as they learn about office

4 Benefits of a Student Internship Program Read More »