I Completed Completion 2021



My word of the year for 2021 is completion. I did not arrive at the decision lightly. I took time to reflect on one of my biggest challenges as an entrepreneur and that is seeing projects through to completion. I have great ideas and I even start working on them, but I often get “stumped by something” and put it aside. I have so many workshops, ebooks, checklists, and more that are about 80% completed. I had a computer crash a couple of years ago that contained dozens of brilliant unfinished products and my heart was broken. I decided this year that enough is enough and incomplete would no longer be my legacy.


Completion requires dedication, focus, and discipline. I narrowed my focus and decided on the things that were important to me to complete. Some completed projects were already a regular part of my brand like blogging 3 times a week and my monthly Cupcakes and Conversations with Nicki Sanders. Other important projects/services I completed included my Uplevel Your Position Career Development Program. I am super proud that I saw that through to completion.


The partner of completion is passion. I completed the things I set out to do but sometimes I just got things done without setting the best intention or giving it my all. That defeated the purpose, and I knew I needed to address it when I recognized it. One casualty is my monthly Conversations with Nicki Sanders interviews with women in leadership. I absolutely love interviewing amazing women and sharing their journeys and lessons, but I began to feel like I was being called to more. I recorded my last couple of interviews and released the audios in my blog posts but truthfully, it still felt a little off – like I was playing small or dimming my light. I decided not to do more interviews until I figured out what was missing and until I am ready to go all in. Stay tuned…


You can check out the 2021 Conversations with Nicki Sanders interviews here:

When I enter a new phase on my path, I usually create a playlist to maintain my momentum on my journey. My journey to completion was no different. Check this out.

Spotify Playlist: Completion 2021

I haven’t determined my word for 2022. Have you?



Nicki Sanders, MSW, CEO, is a Career and Empowerment Strategist who helps high-performing women of color in management go from overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated to energized, well paid, and appreciated. Through Nicki Sanders Leadership Consulting, she also helps businesses recruit, hire, train, and retain great employees. Nicki has an extensive background in developing and managing successful programs and leading high-functioning multi-disciplinary teams. She is an accomplished professor, coach, trainer, and group facilitator who has combined her gift for authentic relationships, Master of Social Work degree, and over 20 years of diverse work experience to create a life she loves. Nicki is a lover of cupcakes, travel, and 80’s hip hop and R&B music.
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